Our Company shall strive to contend with severely changing economic realities, plan for the expansion of business ; and to obtain stability in the livelihood of employees shall, with companywide spirit of unity and cooperation, exert all efforts towards achieving the following objectives:
- 1. Always mindful of our Administration Policies as our guiding principle, shall endeavor to satisfy every customer need in order to gain their full trust and confidence.
- 2. Create a harmonious and congenial working environment for employees by encouraging mutual assistance and cooperation in the workplace, fostering company solidarity and promoting good human relationships.
- 3. Create a company structure always responsive to the changes in economic realities; implement business activities with foresight; and exert efforts to consistently develop and strengthen management foundations.
- 4. Work to improve business performance by encouraging originality and innovation; implementing improvements and rationalization measures ; minimizing unnecessary expenditures ; and increasing company savings.